Replays EPL 2018


Berserkers x Breakers

Spectear x Rewer
Ash KetchumGamer x Parrudo
LL x Night The Comunist
CaCaTuA x EviGaro
Bia-Akemi x PocasTrancas
Pablo x LiarFairy
Flamita x Toyteam
Caetano93 x Ade50
Hyoga x Ranshiin

Mediums x Sorcerers

Splash x ZDen
Mandex x Yuji
oh95 x Natan
OldAmber x Jopapai
PILZ x Renato99
Cogao x BR TTar
LuckyRyu x goaozin
Echelon x Beraldinho
Brazilian Army x Mr. Mendes
Jhonx x West Bass

Astronauts x Knights

mencemit x TONHÃO
taliscalopday x neomon
hasuhahasuha x Hydreigon Specs
Melissa x Jeffis
Askov x jcbc
Nowh x Thiago Nunes
Ampha x Haru
Sinkyr x lighthouses
Lord Thorx x Sas0
Gene x Alfredo

Explorers x Heroes

Dovahneer x joya
GreninjaWarrior x Lusa
yeezyknows x MistyTrapper
Zigzagoon x Paraflinch
Mili x Al-Kun
didi x Real FV13
ItzViper482 x Mirror Coat
Pataozinho x Hec
TistieyZ x Wesley
Yay x Ilesaurall



Berserkers x Mediums

Ash KetchumGamer x Splash
TFG Spectear x Echelon
LL x oh95
CaCaTuA x OldAmber
Bia-Akemi x PILZ
CKJ x Cogao
Pablo x LuckyRyu
Flamita x Mandex
Caetano93 x Brazilian Army
Hyoga x Jhonx

Breakers x Sorcerers

Rewer x ZDen
Parrudo x Yuji
Night The Comunist x Natan
EviGaro x Jopapai
Pocas x Renato99
LiarFairy x goaozin
Toytean x Mr. Mendes
Ade50 x West Bass
Ranshiin x sghost

Astronauts x Explorers

mencemit x didi
taliscalopday x GreninjaWarrior
hasuhahasuha x yeezyknows
Melissa x Yay
Askov x Mili
Nowh x Dovahneer
FoulPlayer YT x ItzViper482
Sinkyr x Pataozinho
Lord Thorx x TistieyZ
Gene x Zigzagoon

Knights x Heroes

Der Sweitzer x Trapp
neomon x Joya
Hydreigon Specs x Wevton
Jeffis x Paraflinch
jcbc x Brum
Thiago Nunes x Real FV13
Haru x Mirror Coat
lighthouses x Lusa
Sas0 x Wesley
Alfredo x Ilesaurall



Berserkers x Sorcerers

Ash KetchumGamer x ZDen
ibrahimovic x Yuji
LL x Natan
CaCaTuA x Jopapai
Bia-Akemi x Renato99
Pablo x goaozin
Flamita x Beraldinho
Caetano93 x West Bass
Hyoga x sghost

Mediums x Knights

Echelon x Der Sweitzer
Splash x neomon
oh95 x Hydreigon Specs
OldAmber x Jeffis
PILZ x jcbc
Cogao x Thiago Nunes
LuckyRyu x Haru
Mandex x lighthouses
Brazilian Army x Sas0
Jhonx x Alfredo

Astronauts x Heroes

Makesuit x Lusa
taliscalopday x Joya
mencemit x Wevton
Melissa x Al-kun
Askov x Brum
Nowh x Real FV13
User54 x Mirror Coat
Sinkyr x Hec
Tatsuma x Wesley
Gene x Ilesaurall

Explorers x Breakers

didi x Rewer
GreninjaWarrior x Parrudo
yeezyknows x Night The Comunist
Yay x EviGaro
Mili x Jeff
Dovahneer x JLK
ItzViper482 x LiarFairy
Pataozinho x Toytean
TistieyZ x Ade50
Zigzagoon x Ranshiin



Berserkers x Astronauts

Ash KetchumGamer x mencemit
TFG Spectear x Miles Tails
Caetano93 x hasuhahasuha
CaCaTuA x Melissa
Bia-Akemi x Askov
CKJ x alkione
Pablo x Ampha
Flamita x Sinkyr
LL x wait2seconds
Hyoga x Gene

Breakers x Knights

LiarFairy x Der Sweitzer
Parrudo x neomon
Night The Comunist x Hydreigon Specs
EviGaro x Jeffis
Jeff x jcbc
mm x Thiago Nunes
mikaav x Haru
Toytean x lighthouses
Ade50 x Sas0
Ranshiin x Alfredo

Mediums x Explorers

Splash x GreninjaWarrior
Echelon x zuguburoyale
altariaoffense x yeezyknows
OldAmber x trace
PILZ x Mili
Cogao x didi
Brazilian Army x ItzViper482
Mandex x Pataozinho
luigi x TistieyZ
Jhonx x Yay

Sorcerers x Heroes

Mr. Mendes x oh95
ZDen x Lusa
guacc x Al-kun
Jopapai x Paraflinch
Renato99 x Brum
goaozin x Mirror Coat
BR TTAR x Real FV13
Natan x Joya
West Bass x Wesley
sghost x Ilesaurall



Berserkers x Knights

TFG Spectear x Der Sweitzer
Ash KetchumGamer x neomon
Caetano93 x Hydreigon Specs
CaCaTuA x Jeffis
Bia-Akemi x jcbc
CKJ x Thiago Nunes
Pablo x Haru
Flamita x lighthouses
LL x Sas0
Hyoga x Alfredo

Breakers x Astronauts

Rewer x mencemit
Parrudo x Miles Tails
LiarFairy x hasuhahasuha
EviGaro x Melissa
mart x Askov
mm x alkione
mikaav x Ampha
Toytean x Sinkyr
Ade50 x wait2seconds
Ranshiin x Gene

Mediums x Heroes

Splash x Lusa
Echelon x Joya
altariaoffense x Al-kun
OldAmber x Paraflinch
PILZ x oh95
Cogao x Real FV13
LuckyRyu x Mirror Coat
Mandex x Hec
luigi x Wesley
Jhonx x Ilesaurall

Sorcerers x Explorers

Yuji x GreninjaWarrior
ZDen x zuguburoyale
guacc x yeezyknows
Jopapai x trace
Renato99 x Mili
Mr. Mendes x didi
goaozin x ItzViper482
Natan x Pataozinho
West Bass x TistieyZ
sghost x Yay



Berserkers x Explorers

Ash KetchumGamer x zuguburoyale
TFG Spectear x GreninjaWarrior
Caetano93 x yeezyknows
CaCaTuA x trace
Bia-Akemi x Mili
CKJ x didi
Pablo x ItzViper482
Flamita x Pataozinho
LL x TistieyZ
Hyoga x Yay

Breakers x Heroes

Rewer x Lusa
Toytean x Trapp
Night The Comunist x Wevton
EviGaro x Paraflinch
mart x oh95
mm x Al-kun
mikaav x Mirror Coat
Parrudo x joya
Ade50 x Wesley
Ranshiin x Ilesaurall

Mediums x Astronauts

Mandex x mencemit
Echelon x Nowh
altariaoffense x hasuhahasuha
OldAmber x Melissa
PILZ x Askov
Cogao x alkione
LuckyRyu x Ampha
Splash x Sinkyr
luigi x wait2seconds
Jhonx x Miles Tails

Sorcerers x Knights

Yuji x Der Sweitzer
ZDen x LeoShakur
guacc x Hydreigon Specs
Jopapai x Jeffis
Renato99 x jcbc
BR TTar x Thiago Nunes
goaozin x Haru
Natan x Toinha
West Bass x Sas0
sghost x lighthouses



Berserkers x Heroes

Ash KetchumGamer x Lusa
Ibrahimovic x Trapp
Caetano93 x Wevton
CaCaTuA x Paraflinch
Bia-Akemi x oh95
CKJ x Al-kun
Pablo x Mirror Coat
Flamita x Hec
LL x Wesley
Hyoga x Ilesaurall

Breakers x Meduims

Rewer x Splash
Toytean x Brazilian Army
Night The Comunist x altariaoffense
EviGaro x OldAmber
mart x PILZ
mm x Cogao
mikaav x LuckyRyu
Jeff. x Mandex
Ade50 x luigi
Ranshiin x Jhonx

Explorers x Knights

zuguburoyale x Toinha
GreninjaWarrior x neomon
yeezyknows x Hydreigon Specs
trace x Jeffis
Mili x jcbc
didi x Thiago Nunes
Itzviper482 x Haru
Zigzagoon x Der Sweitzer
TistieyZ x Sas0
Yay x lighthouses

Sorcerers x Astronauts

ZDen x Tatsuma
Yuji x Askov
Natan x hasuhahasuha
Jopapai x Melissa
Renato99 x mencemit
BR TTar x alkione
goaozin x FoulPlayer YT
West Bass x Sinkyr
Mr. Mendes x wait2seconds
Beraldinho x Miles Tails



Sorcerers x Breakers

ZDen x Rewer
Yuji x LiarFairy
guacc x Night The Comunist
Jopapai x EviGaro
Renato99 x mart
BR TTar x mm
goaozin x mikaav
Natan x Toytean
West Bass x Ade50
sghost x Ranshiin

Mediums x Knights

Echelon x Der Sweitzer
Splash x neomon
altariaoffense x Hydreigon Specs
OldAmber x lighthouses
PILZ x Jeffis
Cogao x Thiago Nunes
Brazilian Army x Haru
Mandex x Toinha
luigi x Sas0
Jhonx x Alfredo



Sorcerers x Mediums

ZDen x Splash
Yuji x Echelon
guacc x altariaoffense
Jopapai x OldAmber
Renato99 x PILZ
BR Ttar x Cogao
goaozin x Brasilian Army
Beraldinho x Mandex
West Bass x Luigi
sghost x Jhonx


ZDen x Cogao
guacc x altariaoffense
goaozin x Mandex

Postado por: Haô
Data: 22/10/2018