Home Fóruns Fórum BETA Pokémon competitivo Rumores e Leaks – Legends Arceus

Rumores e Leaks – Legends Arceus
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    #11719 QUOTE
    Em primeiro lugar, o foco desse tópico é o Pokémon competitivo, ou seja, debater as informações reveladas se serão interessantes no metagame.

    Em segundo lugar, tudo o que for postado aqui não passa de rumor ou vazamento, então pode ser que nenhuma informação seja real.

    Em terceiro lugar, se você não gosta de spoilers, passe longe deste tópico.

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    #11720 QUOTE
    A conta no Twitter  Centro LEAKS fez um compilado de todos os rumores e vazamentos divulgados até o momento.

    New forms:

    H-Decidueye (Grass/Fighting)
    H-Typhlosion (Fire/Ghost)
    H-Samurott (Water/Dark)
    H-Growlithe (Fire/Rock)
    H-Arcanine (Fire/Rock)
    H-Voltorb (Electric/Grass)
    H-Electrode (Electric/Grass)
    H-QuiIfish (Dark/Poison)
    H-Sneasel (Poison/Fighting)
    H-Lilligant (Grass/Fighting)
    H-Zorua (Normal/Ghost)
    H-Zoroark (Normal/Ghost)
    H-Braviary (Psychic/Flying)
    H-Sliggoo (Dragon/Steel)
    H-Goodra (Dragon/Steel)
    H-Avalugg (lce/Rock)

    New Pokémon:

    Wyrdeer (Normal/Psychic)
    Basculegion (Water/Ghost)
    Kleavor (Bug/Rock)
    Ursaring-Evo (Normal/Ground)
    H-Sneasel-Evo (Poison/Fighting)
    H-Quilfish-Evo (Dark/Poison)
    #905: ??? (Flying/???)


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    #11723 QUOTE
    O Twitter Centro Leaks acabou de postar imagens dos novos Pokémon.

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    #11724 QUOTE
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    #11725 QUOTE
    Galera o centro Leaks (https://twitter.com/CentroLeaks)  soltou um compilado de novos informaçoes sobre PLA vou postar as que eu acho mais relevante pro competitivo , desculpe qualquer erro ou se faltou algo .

    Começando pelos novos MOVES do game

    1.  Dire Claw: The user lashes out at the target with ruinous claws, aiming to land a critical hit. This may also leave the target poisoned, paralyzed, or drowsy.
    2. Psyshield Bash: Cloaking itself in psychic energy, the user slams into the target. This may also raise the user’s defensive stats.
    3. Power Shift: The user swaps its offensive and defensive stats.
    4. Stone Axe: The user swings its stone axes at the target, aiming to land a critical hit. Stone splinters left behind by this attack continue to damage the target for several turns.
    5. Springtide Storm: The user attacks by wrapping the target in fierce winds brimming with love and hate. This move’s additional effects depend on the user’s form.
    6. Mystical Power: The user strengthens itself with a mysterious power. If it excels in offense, its offensive stats are raised. If it excels in defense, its defensive stats are raised.
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    #11726 QUOTE
    1. Raging Fury: The user rampages and spews vicious flames to inflict damage on the target, then becomes fixated on using this move.
    2. Wave Crash: The user shrouds itself in water and slams into the target with its whole body to inflict damage. This also damages the user and raises the user’s action speed.
    3. Chloroblast: The user launches its amassed chlorophyll to inflict damage on the target. This also damages the user and lowers the user’s action speed.
    4. Mountain Gale: The user hurls giant chunks of ice at the target to inflict damage.
    5. Victory Dance: The user performs a dance to usher in victory. This raises the user’s offensive and defensive stats and increases the damage dealt by the user’s moves by 50 percent.
    6. Headlong Rush: The user smashes into the target in a full-body tackle. This also lowers the user’s defensive stats.
    7. Barb Barrage: The user launches countless toxic barbs to inflict damage. This may also poison the target. This move’s power is doubled if the target has a status condition.
    8. Esper Wing: The user slashes the target with aura-enriched wings. This also raises the user’s action speed. This move has a heightened chance of landing a critical hit.
    9. Bitter Malice: The user attacks its target with spine-chilling resentment. This may also leave the target with frostbite. This move’s power is doubled if the target has a status condition.
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    #11727 QUOTE
    1. Shelter: The user makes its skin as hard as an iron shield, raising its defensive stats. Incoming moves also become more likely to miss.
    2. Triple Arrows: The user delivers an axe kick, then fires three arrows. This raises the chance of its future attacks landing critical hits and also lowers the target’s defensive stats.
    3. Infernal Parade: The user attacks with myriad fireballs. This may also leave the target with a burn. This move’s power is doubled if the target has a status condition.
    4. Ceaseless Edge: The user slashes its shell blade at the target, aiming to land a critical hit. Shell splinters left behind by this attack will continue to damage the target for several turns.
    5. Bleakwind Storm: The user attacks with savagely cold winds that cause both body and spirit to tremble. This may also leave the target with frostbite.
    6. Wildbolt Storm: The user summons a thunderous tempest and savagely attacks with lightning and wind. This may also leave the target with paralysis.
    7. Lunar Blessing: The user heals its own status conditions and restores its HP. Incoming moves also become more likely to miss.
    8. Take Heart: The user lifts its spirits, healing its own status conditions and raising its offensive and defensive stats.
    9. Explanation of why Stealth Rock has been changed: it’s now a field effect for multiple moves, called “jagged splinters”. Multiple moves cause this field effect. “At the end of each turn, the Pokémon is hurt by the jagged splinters digging into it.”
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    #11728 QUOTE
    Foi encontrado tbm novos STATUS CONDITION para jogo

    1. Drowsy : The Pokémon is drowsy and may fail to act. Any damage it takes is also increased.
    2. Obscured: The Pokémon is concealed in mud or the like, raising the chance that the Pokémon will evade opponents’ moves.
    3. Primed: The Pokémon has adopted a hard-hitting stance, increasing the damage it deals with its moves.
    4. Fixated: The Pokémon is fixated on the last move it used. This move will deal increased damage while the fixation lasts, but any damage dealt to the fixated Pokémon is also increased.
    5. Frostbite : At the end of each turn, the Pokémon is hurt by its frostbite. Any damage it deals with special moves will also be reduced
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    #11729 QUOTE
    Agora esses novos status parece que so acontece durante os boss do game que sao :

    1. Wild Might: All the Pokémon’s stats are boosted. The Pokémon also takes reduced damage from status conditions and move effects such as poisoning and splinters.
    2. Terrific Might: The Pokémon takes reduced damage from status conditions and move effects such as poisoning and splinters.
    3. Terrible Might: All the Pokémon’s stats are boosted. The Pokémon also takes reduced damage from status conditions and move effects such as poisoning and splinters.
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    #11730 QUOTE
    Agora Palkia e dialga as suas novas formas sao chamadas de ”lord ”e sao obitdas da mesma foram que giratina-O , arceus aparentimente tem 2 novas plates.

    1. Adamant Crystal: When used on Dialga, this large, glowing gem wells with power and allows the Pokémon to change form.
    2. Lustrous Globe: When used on Palkia, this large, glowing orb wells with power and allows the Pokémon to change form.
    3. Blank Plate: A stone tablet imbued with the essence of normalcy. When used on a certain Pokémon, it allows that Pokémon to gain the power of the Normal type.
    4. Legend Plate: A stone tablet imbued with the essence of all creation. When used on a certain Pokémon, it allows that Pokémon to gain the power of every type there is.
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    #11731 QUOTE
    e por fim novos itens consumidos

    1. Twice-Spiced Radish: These pickled vegetables prime a Pokémon for battle. The Pokémon takes a hard-hitting stance, which boosts the power of the Pokémon’s moves by 50 percent.
    2. Swap Snack: When eaten, this curious snack temporarily swaps a Pokémon’s offensive stats with its defensive stats.
    3. Choice Dumpling: A dumpling that will make a Pokémon become fixated on a move in battle. The Pokémon will deal more damage when using that move but will take more damage as well.
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    #11736 QUOTE
    DtN- disse:

    Foi encontrado tbm novos STATUS CONDITION para jogo 

    1. Drowsy : The Pokémon is drowsy and may fail to act. Any damage it takes is also increased.
    2. Obscured: The Pokémon is concealed in mud or the like, raising the chance that the Pokémon will evade opponents’ moves.
    3. Primed: The Pokémon has adopted a hard-hitting stance, increasing the damage it deals with its moves.
    4. Fixated: The Pokémon is fixated on the last move it used. This move will deal increased damage while the fixation lasts, but any damage dealt to the fixated Pokémon is also increased.
    5. Frostbite : At the end of each turn, the Pokémon is hurt by its frostbite. Any damage it deals with special moves will also be reduced

    The Freeze and Sleep status conditions are gone. They have been replaced with Frostbite and Drowsy.



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    #11737 QUOTE

    1. Wyrdeer: Intimidate / Frisk // Sap Sipper
    2. Kleavor: Swarm / Sheer Force // Steadfast
    3. Ursaluna: Guts / Bulletproof // Unnerve
    4. Basculegion: Rattled / Adaptability // Mold Breaker
    5. Sneasler: Pressure // Poison Touch
    6. Overqwil: Poison Point / Swift Swim // Intimidate
    7. Enamorus (Incarnate): Healer // Contrary
    8. Enamorus (Therian): Overcoat
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    #11738 QUOTE
    1. Growlithe and Arcanine – Intimidate / Flash Fire // Justified
    2. Voltorb and Electrode – Soundproof / Static // Aftermath
    3. Typhlosion – Blaze // Flash Fire
    4. Qwilfish – Poison Point / Swift Swim // Intimidate
    5. Sneasel – Inner Focus / Keen Eye // Poison Touch
    6. Dialga-Lord and Palkia-Lord – Pressure // Telepathy
    7. Samurott – Torrent // Shell Armor
    8. Lilligant – Chlorophyll / Hustle // Leaf Guard
    9. Basculin (White Stripe) – same as Basculegion: Rattled / Adaptability // Mold Breaker
    10. Zorua and Zoroark: Illusion
    11. Braviary: Keen Eye / Sheer Force // Defiant
    12. Sliggoo and Goodra: Sap Sipper / Overcoat // Gooey
    13. Avalugg: Strong Jaw / Ice Body // Sturdy
    14. Decidueye: Overgrow // Long Reach
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    #11739 QUOTE
    1. E por Fim base status dos pkms novos


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